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Why is my La Specialista not brewing espresso and is showing a flashing alarm icons?

When your machine is not brewing, excessive pressure in the group head may be attributed to one or more of the following reasons:

  1. The filter basket could be clogged. Remove the basket from the filter holder, then take out the filter plate from the basket. Rinse it under running water to ensure all the holes are open. If holes are blocked, use a small pin or needle to unclog them.

  2. There may be an excess of ground coffee in the filter. To address this, ensure that the amount of coffee in the filter holder does not exceed the line level in the filter basket. Consider adjusting the ground coffee dial to dispense less coffee while maintaining the desired level.

  3. If the coffee is ground too fine, the water may struggle to pass through the grounds. To resolve this, adjust the grinder setting to a coarser grind.