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La Specialista line top call driver resolution steps

Call Driver Descaling issue

Customer Contact Reason

The customer's unit is stuck in the descaling cycle.

Resolution steps for the call driver

Step 1. Ensure the Dial is not broken.

Step 2. Check if the sensor is in the Water Tank.

Step 3. Asking probing questions to determine what was done. (Note: The unit may need a full tank of water to complete the descaling process).

Step 4. Ensure to fill the water above the max line.

Call Driver Burr Grinder

Customer Contact Reason #1

The unit is not Grinding coffee at all, or the Coffee Ground comes out very coarse.

Resolution steps for the call driver

Step 1. Check the Burr Grinder if it's installed correctly.

Step 2. The Burr grinder may need Proper cleaning.

YouTube video

Customer Contact Reason #2

The Unit is not producing enough coffee grounds.

Resolution steps for the call driver

Step 1. Check the current settings on the unit and make adjustments if needed.

Step 2. Adjust the grind from 1st to 2nd range through the settings menu

Step 3. Use the Advanced adjustment found in Stonly

YouTube video

Call Driver Error light

Customer Contact Reason

Error light will not go away.

Resolution steps for the call driver

Step 1. Do a TechSee session to see what error light is on.

Step 2. Refer to the manual Or Stonly.

YouTube video

Call Driver Pressure Gauge

Customer Contact Reason

Pressure gauge is not moving or not getting optimal pressure.

Resolution steps for the call driver

Step 1. Ensure that the drink dial is on espresso.

Step 2. Adjust the grind setting to a lower number to create more pressure (No Lower than 3).

Step 3. Ensure the coffee grounds are at the optimal line in the portafilter.

Step 4. If it's an Arte, ensure the tamping is done correctly.

Step 5. A good Starting point for the Setting is 4 for the grind setting and The Dose setting at 20 sec for Arte or 12 pm for la Specialista and 16 for a Maestro's.

YouTube video

Call Driver Cleaning and Maintenance

Customer Contact Reason

The Frother is working correctly // The Portafilter not flowing or Blocked

Resolution steps for the call driver

Step 1. The frother needs proper cleaning.

Call Driver Priming after Bates repair

Customer Contact Reason

The customer is claiming the unit just came in from repairs and is not brewing.

Resolution steps for the call driver

Step 1. Check which error light is on.

Step 2. If there is a teacup light on, have the customer rinse the unit. This should fix that problem.

Step 3. Some units require you to turn the Steam knob.

Call Driver: Water tank sensor

Customer Contact Reason

The customer's unit is stuck in the descaling cycle or The water tank light will not go off

Resolution steps for the call driver

Step 1. Ensure the water tank is not damaged or missing the water tank sensor.

Step 2. Ensure the water tank is installed correctly.

Call Driver: Cleaning lights on

Customer Contact Reason

The customer claims the cleaning light is on.

Resolution steps for the call driver

Step 1. Clean the showerhead

Step 2. Advise the customer that they can purchase an Espresso Machine Cleaning Tablets from the Delonghi Website or Amazon.

YouTube video

Call Driver: Dosage and Coffee ground not set correctly

General Probing Questions

What is your current dosage and grind setting?

Have you tried adjusting the dial while the unit is grinding from its current setting to a lower or higher number?

Have you tried adjusting the dosage dial?

Resolution steps for the call driver

1. Have the customer adjust the grind setting from low to high or high to low while grinding.

2. Next, have the customer grind.

3. Do not adjust the dosage dial until you have made adjustments to the grind settings. The unit will automatically adjust the grinding time

4. Once the proper grind setting has been set. You may need to adjust the dosage dial.

Reasons when NOT to send to repair center

Do not send it to repair if the unit does not grind enough, it may be old.

If the unit is older and used heavily, the internal grinder may be worn out.

Try turning the knob to the extra grind setting if needed. The instructions are in the DLS. For the Arte the instructions are different.

Call Driver: Unit stuck in descale mode

General Probing Questions

What steps did you take to descale the unit?

Did you fill the tank to the proper levels for each cycle?

Resolution steps for the call driver

1. Review the steps with the customer and send the video on how to descale their unit.

2. Check the water tank to ensure the black floater is not missing. If it is missing the customer will need to order a new water tank.

3. Verify the cycle by checking the OK light, flashing orange Descaling, flashing white Rinse cycle

4. Ensure that the customer turns the knob out of descale mode

Reasons when NOT to send to repair center

If the OK light is flashing orange or white, the unit has not completed the descale process

If the black floater is missing, order a new water tank

YouTube video

TechSee video

Call Driver: Unit will not brew coffee after returning from BATES repair

General Probing Questions

Did you receive your unit from the repair recently?

Have you tried priming the unit?

Resolution steps for the call driver

1. Ensure that the unit is primed following the instructions in DLS or simulator

2. You may need to try priming the unit multiple times

Call Driver: Understanding the warning lights and how to troubleshoot them

General Probing Questions

How long has the unit displayed the warning light?

What were you doing when the light appeared?

What have you done to resolve the issue?

How often does the warning light show on the unit?

Resolution steps for the call driver

1. Use Techsee to see the warning light.

2. Go to DLS to view the warning lights in the manual. Be sure you understand the warning light before continuing to troubleshoot with the customer.

YouTube video

TechSee video

Call Driver: Pressure gauge not going to the optimal zone

General Probing Questions

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Did you try adjusting the dial course to fine?

Did you try adjusting the dosage dial to a higher number?

Resolution steps for the call driver

1. Check the grind setting on the unit. If it is set to 6 or higher, adjust the dial to a lower number while the unit is grinding.

2. Ensure the coffee selector is set to espresso

3. Check to ensure that the tamped coffee is near the optimal line in the portafilter

4. Test the gauge by using the black cleaning disk. If the gauge moves, try adjusting the dial. The coffee may be to course and not fine enough

YouTube videos

Call Driver: Pressure gauge going past optimal zone

General Probing Questions

When did the issue start?

How long has the issue occurred?

What have you done to resolve the issue?

What filter basket are you using?

Have you tried to remove the diffuser to check for any clogs?

Can you please detail the tamping steps you are following?

What is your current grind setting?

Resolution steps for the call driver

If the customer calls in stating that coffee is not flowing from the portafilter or the pressure gauge is going past the optimal zone into the red. You must first complete the following basic troubleshooting steps.

1. Turn the dial to espresso and press ok to brew without the portafilter to identify if water is flowing

2. Connect the portafilter without the filter basket and observe the pressure gauge. If the pressure gauge does not go to the red zone troubleshoot, the grind settings

3 Connect the filter basket without the diffuser if the customer is using the pressurized filter basket. If the pressure gauge goes to the red zone, the filter basket is clogged.

4 Clean the filter basket, make sure that it is free from any coffee grounds, and test again.

5 Order the customer the non-pressurized filter basket if the issue persists.

Reasons when NOT to send to repair center

Do not send the unit in for repair without first testing the portafilter and filter baskets

Insert the cleaning tool into the portafilter and basket to dislodge any coffee grounds that may be stuck in the diffuser