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Positive word choices and phrases

Using the right language and approach can make a big difference in customer satisfaction. Let's work on those phrases:

👍 Changing Negative to Positive Phrases

"That is our policy; there's nothing more I can do at the moment."

Explanation: While it's important to communicate company policies, this phrase can come across as inflexible and unhelpful.

A better way to frame this could be:

"I understand your concern, and I'll do my best to find a solution within our policy."

"I cannot do that for you."

Explanation: This phrase sounds like a flat refusal.

Instead, you can say:

"I'm sorry, but I'm unable to do that right now. However, let me explore alternative options to assist you."

"It is up to the other department."

Explanation: This phrase can make customers feel like they're being passed around.

Try saying:

"This particular issue falls under the jurisdiction of our [specific department]. I will connect you with them to ensure your concern is addressed promptly."

"We do not handle that issue."

Explanation: This phrase can be dismissive.

A more customer-friendly approach would be:

"I see that your concern is related to [specific issue]. While it's not typically handled by our team, I'll make sure you're directed to the right department that can provide the necessary assistance."

❤️ Empathetic and Acknowledging Phrases

Apology and Understanding:

  • "I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you."

  • "I'm genuinely sorry to hear about your experience, and I want to make it right."

  • "Please accept our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience you've encountered."

  • "I understand how frustrating this situation can be, and I'm here to help resolve it."

  • "I'm sorry that you've had to deal with this issue, and I'm committed to finding a solution."

  • "I want to assure you that your feedback is important, and we take it seriously."

Assurance of Assistance:

  • "I'm here to assist you every step of the way."

  • "You can count on me to guide you through the resolution process."

  • "I'll do everything in my power to ensure this issue is resolved to your satisfaction."

  • "Rest assured, we're fully equipped to handle this and provide you with a solution."

  • "I'm your dedicated point of contact, and I'll see this through until it's resolved."

  • "I'm here to make your experience as smooth as possible, so please don't hesitate to reach out."

Empathy and Acknowledgment:

  • "I can imagine how frustrating this must be, and I genuinely appreciate your patience."

  • "Your concerns are important to us, and I'm here to listen and assist."

  • "I want to acknowledge your frustration and assure you that we're taking it seriously."

  • "I understand that this situation can be distressing, and I'm here to support you."

  • "Thank you for bringing this to our attention; your feedback helps us improve."

  • "I'm genuinely sorry for any inconvenience you've experienced; it's our goal to prevent such issues."

⚠️Supervisor Escalation Script

We should NEVER tell a customer that supervisors are busy or not available at the moment.

We should NEVER tell a customer "Even if I connect you with my Supervisor he/she will say the same"

Use the following scripts when dealing with supervisor escalation:

If no supervisor is available:

"Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and for your patience as we work to resolve it. As of the moment, all supervisors are engaged with other customers and would take XXXX amount of time to get to us. If you prefer, I can escalate the situation for you, and I'll make sure the supervisor gets back to you as soon as possible."

  • "I will escalate this case to one of our supervisors, and we will get back to you right away".

  • "While we are waiting for the supervisor, I'm here to assist you and will work to resolve this matter to the best of my ability."

  • "Rest assured that your concern is important to us, and we will address it as quickly as possible. May I go ahead and explain the situation to a supervisor on your behalf so you wouldn't need to repeat yourself?" Then ask to put the call on hold".

  • "Let's work together to avoid having to escalate this further."

🔅 Positive brand positioning phrases:

  • "I appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this."

  • "Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention; it helps us improve our products and services."

  • "I can imagine how this situation may have caused some frustration, and I'm here to make it right."

  • "We appreciate your feedback, as it allows us to continually enhance your experience.”

  • "At Delonghi, we take customer satisfaction seriously, and we're dedicated to resolving any issues that arise."

  • "Our goal is to ensure you have a positive experience with our products and service."

  • "We will follow up on this matter and keep you informed of the progress. "Your satisfaction is our top priority."

  • "Let's work together to find the best solution for you." "I'm confident that we can find a resolution that will meet your needs."

  • "I can assure you that we will take the necessary steps to resolve this issue."

  • "Thank you for giving us the opportunity to make things right. We value your business and your trust in Delonghi."