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How to login

Type your username, and then click sign in

Then you will have to enter your password and click on “ingresar”

When you log in to leviatan you will see a dashboard like the following:

On Hold folder

On the left side of the screen, you will see different options and an “on hold” folder.

What is this for?

The “on hold” folder is basically, as the name says, a folder where you have tickets on hold. We use this when we have questions and our supervisor is a little busy to resolve them, as well as when we escalate a case to Paolo or Robin and we are waiting for a response from them.

Then we have our auxes, the first we have is “ready” we use this aux when we are ready to receive tickets.

Then Leviatan will take like 20 seconds to assign a ticket, and you will see on your screen something like this.

We have a categorization area on the right side of the screen.

The categorization will depend on what you did on the ticket.