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How to handle multiple tickets about the same issue

Objective: Learn how to take ownership of a complete case instead of solving individual tickets.

This guide will help you with the steps we need to take when handling multiple tickets. 

Step 1

First, we must always ensure that we read and understand the information inside the ticket assigned to us.

Step 2

There might be missing information that could be located in different tickets. Therefore, we have to check the customer's profile to see if there are more interactions linked to that same customer.

Remember to double-check tickets sorted by the customer's email address or phone number.

Step 3

Now, we must review each individual ticket and download the necessary information from it (POP, cut-cord pictures, videos, or images).

Step 4

Select the main ticket (the one with the most information).

Go to the attachments and upload the documents we downloaded from the other tickets. We need to gather all the information on the case in one ticket.

Step 5

Please answer the remaining tickets in which we received information and explain to the customer that we will work on ticket number #XXXX (Main ticket).


"Dear customer,

Thank you for reaching out via email.

We would like to inform you that we are diligently working on your case, ticket #XXXXX. Please expect a reply and resolution on that same ticket number.

Step 6

Now that we have only one MAIN ticket, we can concentrate our efforts on solving the case. It should be easier now that we have gathered all data, and attachments in ONE case.

Important FAQ

Q. I worked X amount of tickets. Do all tickets count for me?

A. Yes, the ticket assigned to you by Leviatan has to be categorized when you finish it as usual, and the other tickets you worked on must be tracked here ( if you want them to count for your goal.