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Fully automatics with frother top call driver resolution steps

Call Driver Fully Auto cleaning and maintenance when not frothing

General Probing Questions

When was the last time you thoroughly cleaned the entire frother?

Have you tried removing the carafe coupling to ensure it is cleaned thoroughly?

Resolution steps for the call driver

1. Remove the frother coupling and ensure that it is cleaned thoroughly.

2. Disassemble the milk carafe using the video as a guide and soak the component in hot water for 10 minutes.

3. Run water through the carafe to ensure the component is free of any dried milk residue.

4. Check the O rings on the frother coupling; if needed, order a new coupling using part number AS00006262 (only for the EVO).

5. Clean the suction tube.

Reasons when NOT to send to repair center

YouTube video

Call Driver Unit will not brew coffee after returning from BATES repair

General Probing Questions

Did you receive your unit from repair recently?

Have you primed the unit?

Resolution steps for the call driver

Ensure that the unit is primed following the instructions in DLS or simulator for the unit you are working on.

Reasons when NOT to send to repair center

If the unit will not brew coffee after being repaired the unit must be primed first

Techsee video

Call Driver Descaling: How to start descaling the unit

General Probing Questions

What steps did you follow to descale the unit?

Did you fill the tank to the proper levels from each cycle?

Is the black floater located in the tank?

Resolution steps for the call driver

1. Review the steps with the customer and send the video on how to descale their unit.

2. Check that the black floater is not missing from the tank.

3. Follow the instructions in DLS to start the descale cycle.

4. Some units require that you press the descale button for five seconds before it starts.

Follow the instructions in DLS.

Call Driver: Unit not frothing after descaling

Resolution steps for the call driver

  1. Run a second descale without the descale solution in the tank.

  2. Run hot water through the tea spout to ensure no remaining descale solution is in the system.

  3. After failure to froth initially, run 2-3 cleaning cycles through the milk tank.

The descale solution curdles the milk, clogs lines, and creates disruption in the seal that helps create a correct froth. (Do not disclose this descale solution information to customers, this is only internal communication.)