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Ecommerce order search in C4C

Welcome to the "Ecommerce Order Search in C4C" learning course. In this module, we will explore the various methods for searching and reviewing the details of an eCommerce order using C4C (Customer for Customer). This training will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to efficiently search for orders based on order numbers/IDs or customer email addresses. By the end of this course, you will be able to navigate C4C effectively and access the relevant information needed to review and analyze eCommerce orders. Please carefully read and understand the provided information in the module.

There are some cases where you will be asked to review the details of an eCommerce order. To do this, you can search for the order in C4C in different ways.

1. Search by Order number/ID

Type the order number in the search field

Click on the “products” box to get more details

2. Search by email

Type the email address in the search field

Access to the customer’s profile and look for the “All orders” box. Click on the Order’s ID

Click on the “products” box to get more details