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Working Follow-up tickets

Email Agents

Here are some clear guidelines you need to keep in mind when working on the follow-up bucket since we have either email or back-office agents working on the same interactions:

Please keep in mind that most of these follow-ups are regarding your responses when working on open cases.

  • Troubleshooting steps

    • It is common to find these scenarios when customers, when reporting the issue, don’t include enough feedback for you to determine the issue and provide a resolution. Make sure to send instructions on how to solve the issue based on the tools and additional resources you have handy.

  • POP Validation Requirements

    • When validating such information and determining the ticket needs to be escalated to “In Process” due to a replacement or service order, It is a must that you update all the contact and product information so our BO Team can work on these orders efficiently and doesn’t take longer to review the entire scenario but go to your internal note and move forward. If the cases have to be escalated to “in process," please do not send a follow-up email setting expectations, as you don’t know if the units will be in stock for processing replacements or if the service order will be handled promptly due to the volume of cases. The best thing you can do is validate all warranty requirements and escalate the cases for the BO Team to work on them and avoid the back and forth.

  • Tracking information Ecommerce/Encompass/SAP/BATES

    • When an order has already been processed and the customer is requesting any status, please do not escalate to “In Process,” as you are trained to check this information already. For e-commerce orders, search the information in the magnifying glass icon or Cockpit. For spare parts orders, go to the Encompass website to search accounts and filter by type and value. For SAP and Bates, make sure to ask your supervisor to provide a tracking ID.

  • Marketing, Personal Injury/property damage, and safety-related tickets

    • Please make sure to ask for all relevant information and externally escalate it using personal action to direct this type of ticket to upper management.

  • Product general inquiries and features

    • All subjects related to DeLonghi and Braun products can be easily addressed by all the agents working on follow-ups.

  • Duplicate tickets

    • Make sure to follow up with the customer, setting proper expectations on where they should expect a reply, providing the main ticket number as a reference, closing all related tickets, and updating the main ticket with relevant information to continue with the normal process.

Back Office Agents

  • Troubleshooting steps

    • You can check the basic TS steps listed in the units’ manuals to assist the customer. If you are not sure about what steps to take, please ask for support from your supervisor or advise the customer to call the helpline to have a subject specialist run a tech see session to diagnose the issue with the unit.

  • Upgrades

    • Since you have access to the SAP tool, it is a must to follow up on any upgrades offered. It is expected to escalate the ticket to in-process only when the replacement order needs to be processed.

All other scenarios should be handled the same as with the email agents.

  • POP Validation Requirements

  • Tracking information Ecommerce/Encompass/SAP/BATES

  • Marketing, Personal Injury/property damage, and safety-related tickets 

  • Product general inquiries and features

  • Duplicate tickets