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The coffee puck sticks to the boiler outlet

If the coffee puck sticks to the boiler outlet at the end of the espresso, it is not a unit fault.

Here are some reasons why the coffee puck may stick to the boiler outlet: 

  1. Grounded coffee is too fine.

  2. The portafilter is overpacked.

  3. Tamping is uneven.

  4. Coffee quality may be moist due to humidity in the environment.

  5. If the screen of your group head isn’t properly maintained and cleaned regularly, a buildup of coffee oils on the screen could also contribute to the blockage. 

Recommendations: regularly clean the boiler outlet, try other coffee beans, avoid excessively fine grinding, check if coffee beans are stored in a humid area; ensure tamping is even; and ensure the portafilter is not overpacked.

If the screen of your boiler outlet isn’t properly maintained and cleaned regularly, a buildup of coffee oils on the screen could also contribute to the blockage.