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NPS and Soft skills Fundamentals

As a Delonghi customer care brand specialist, you are required to always demonstrate the following customer service soft skills:. These same skills also impact your NPS and CSAT scores positively.


"May I please have your name?"

"Would you please be so kind to provide me with your email address?"

"Thank you so much for that information."

Avoid saying the following phrases:

“What´s your name?”

“Give me your best contact number.”

Avoid Excessive hold time over 2–3 minutes

Remember to always refresh your call with the customer when managing multiple hold times.

Avoid dead air; this makes it seem like you are not on the line, and customers tend to ask, “Are you there?”

Your average response time is measured once the call is initiated; your first response should be taken automatically, and you should not wait seconds to respond.

Recap what was done during the call and ensure all steps are clear.

Offer the survey at the end of each call.

Remember, when it comes to NPS, we must use the "We" language: We, US, and OUR. Avoid saying they, them, that department, etc. When you say they, or them, subconsciously, the customer hears separation instead of oneness. We are all one company, and that is DeLonghi, not they nor them.


"I apologize for your experience with one of our agents. We like to ensure that our customers are treated well.".

"We apologize for the delay in receiving your replacement unit; our Replacement Department is processing your request.".