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List of superseded codes

Whenever a customer asks for a spare part, we check for the correct part number on 'DLS' and search for it on SAP or Encompass, but there is a big chance we do not find any of the needed items.

How do we proceed?

Do I tell the customer to wait?

Should I tell the customer we do not have any?

There is one more thing we can do before we offer the customer another option.

The list of 'superseded codes' are old spare part codes that can help us find the spare part we need.

We can find below the code and name of the spare part. For example, look at this one-cup filter.

We will see a new window in which the old code appears; now we can look for it on Encompass/SAP.

We must always check this old code before telling the customer we are waiting to refill our stock on this specific item.