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Filling out product summary and customer information box correctly

Add some examples of correctly filled vs incomplete or incorrectly filled information

Impact: If we do not fill out the product information or customer´s profile information, we may extend the timeframe for resolution, increase the backlog of tickets due to incomplete notes or incorrect information, and also increase the back-and-forth information requested by customers.


Customer´s information

Step 1: Verify if the unit is registered or if we have any e-commerce order information in the customer´s profile.

Step 2: Once the issue is identified, whether it is a replacement or repair order, verify the customer´s address and UPDATE this information in the customer´s C4C profile.

++ If it is an existing profile, only verify if the address on file is correct.


Product information

Tip 1: Always select the correct product model number and SAP code. Be very careful not to select the wrong SAP code.

++ Once you have collected the serial #, you can also find the sap code from the first digits of the serial #. DO NOT use the 5-digit serial # (this applies only for Delonghi products); for Braun products, ensure to collect 3 or 5-digit serial numbers.

Tip 2: For e-commerce orders, there is no need to confirm POP; just go directly to the C4C e-commerce order and enter all the information required:

Tip 3: Remember that the main source to confirm the unit´s warranty is the POP. You will need to enter the date of purchase, retailer, and warranty "yes." If validating with serial #, THE DATE OF PURCHASE WILL BE THE “MANUFACTURE DATE” and fill out the date of purchase field with the same.

Refer back to the yearly week number chart: