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Troubleshooting Probing Questions

These questions are designed to pinpoint the root of any issues our customers might be encountering with the unit. By addressing queries such as the duration of ownership, the timing of the problem's onset, maintenance details like descaling, equipment setup, and usage specifics like filter basket and bean type, we aim to swiftly identify and resolve any concerns. Customer satisfaction is our priority, and these questions are tailored to ensure we deliver the assistance they need effectively.

  • Have you called in about this unit before?

  • How long have you had the unit?

  • How long have you been experiencing the issue?

  • When did this issue start?

  • Was this before or after a descale? 

  • What filter basket are you using?

  • Is the portafilter in properly?

  • Is the Power switch on in the back of the unit?

  • Is there water in the tank?

  • What type of beans are you using?