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Order Status - December 2023


This means the order was successfully placed on the website and should be visible in SAP/Adyen. You'd then have to check the document flow screen in SAP (contact your supervisor for that) to see what stage the order is in and if it has shipped out already or is still being prepared in the warehouse.

Checked valid

This indicates some type of technical issue occurred when the order was placed. Usually, the order never makes it into Adyen or SAP. When you have an order in “checked valid status,” please reach out to your supervisor so that we can check to make sure no funds are being held by us.

Fraud report

If you have a case with “fraud report status,” reach out to your supervisor. It's hard to give you a definitive answer; each case could differ. One of our systems, or possibly the credit card company, rejected the order. We would have to check a few different systems to see exactly what went wrong.