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Claims issues

Property Damage/Personal Injury claim

Updated on: June 5, 2024

How do I handle a Property Damage/Personal Injury claim US and Canada

When a consumer calls in and advises that there has been some type of property damage/personal injury caused by, or related to, the use of their product, and they are seeking monetary compensation, we will follow the Claim procedure. CUSTOMER MUST KEEP THE UNIT TO FILE A CLAIM.

Trigger Words:

  • Customer seeking compensation for damage or repairs.

  • If customer isn’t wanting compensation, don’t offer it. If they are happy with a replacement, handle it as SAFETY issue.

  • Customer required medical attention.

Information we must obtain from the Customer: You do not need to ask for pictures.

  • Date of Incident:

  • Time of Incident:

  • What issue was reported by the customer?

  • Model #:

  • Serial #:

  • Name, Email, and a phone number.

Ticket actions:

  • Categorize the case as Personal & Property Injury and externally escalate it to Corporate US.

  • The ticket status should be “in process”. Don’t forget to select the option to escalate, otherwise, the ticket will not reach Corporate.

  • No further action is required by the call center unless designated by Corporate.

Customer’s expectations:

  • Advise the customer that pictures of alleged incidents will be required when they hear from the Claims Dept officer.

  • Advise the customer to keep the product because De’Longhi WILL NEED to inspect it. NO CLAIM CAN BE FILED IF THEY THREW AWAY THE UNIT.

  • The customer will be contacted back (Corporate will call the customer for pictures and estimates).