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Validating unit description in POP

Created on: June 7, 2024

There are sometimes when validating the pop, we may have some problems finding the product description. There are currently three ways we would take this information as valid.

1. Full Description of the product

This information will be shown in most of the receipts we request from our customers where the machine name will be as we commonly name them.

2. Unit Model

In some POP's we will see the unit model as the main reference for the purchase.

3. SAP/UPC Number

In a few cases, we may see that in POP there is not a formal description for the machine but just a code. This may be a SAP code or a UPC (Universal Product Code). For you to validate what unit we're talking about, you must check this code in Salsify.

How you will find it in Salsify