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Marketing Campaigns in C4C

Created on: June 07, 2024

An additional tab called 'Marketing Interaction' was added to the account overview page in C4C. It allows us to check if any marketing campaigns have been sent to the consumer (only for the customers that have a Gigya ID/subscribed).

Instructions for Checking Marketing Campaigns in C4C

  1. Access the Account Overview Page:

    • Navigate to the account overview page in C4C.

  2. Open the Marketing Interaction Tab:

    • Look for and click on the "Marketing Interaction" tab. This tab is available only for customers who have a Gigya ID.

3. View Marketing Campaign Information:

  • Once in the "Marketing Interaction" tab, you will see the following details if the information is available:

    • Customer Gigya ID

    • Sent Date

    • Campaign Name: This includes the brand and country.

    • Specific Brand

    • Campaign Email Preview Link: Copy and paste this link into a separate tab to view the campaign email preview.

4. Note on Campaign Visibility:

  • This feature shows only customer-specific campaigns. Generic campaigns are not listed here.