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Created on: July 3, 2024


Agents are escalating tickets to In-Process (Repair or Replacement). The customer’s information is not being verified, significantly delaying the processing time. This impacts customer satisfaction and creates unnecessary escalations. Lastly, it increases the cost of DeLonghi's business.

Customer Call Back:

If the customer calls back, we must ask if their information has changed or if they have an existing profile. We must ask for our customers' first and last names to confirm that we speak with the right person.

Address Verification:

  • Once the issue has been identified and the unit has to be repaired/replaced, all frontline agents MUST verify the address information during the call. You must update your notes to indicate that all customer data was verified. If not, state why this step was not done in detail. 

  • If the customer has an existing profile, ALL the customer's information MUST be verified and updated. 

  • BO agents will continue to verify the address whenever necessary. 

  • If the interaction was reported via email and no call was made, the address must be confirmed before repairing/replacing the unit. This can be done after agents identify the correct escalation process, which requires gathering all information such as POP, serial number, etc. We request this info in the same email, not as a separate one.