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Address confirmation requirement

Frontline - Voice/email

At the time, you do troubleshooting, determine if the case should be escalated to Repairs/Replacements, update the customer's profile, and confirm the address has been updated in the recorded call notes.


The shipping address must be confirmed during the interaction if the issue has been determined to be escalated to repairs/replacements.

Once the ticket is generated, update the customer's address information in the C4C profile in the address tab.

At times, when our loyal customers reach out and there is a need to process a repair/replacement order, part of the resolution will be to verify the shipping address accurately, as sometimes they might move out to a different location, and we don't want to send a repair/replacement order to the wrong location.


It is a must to always confirm the customer's address before creating a repair/replacement order to avoid mis-shipment escalations and delays.

Make sure to update the customers' C4C profile at the time there is a change, or, in case there are multiple addresses, specify which one.

Remember, the address should have:

  1. Country/region

  2. House number

  3. Street

  4. City

  5. State/Province

  6. Postal Code

  7. Apartment number if applicable

Back office

As frontline agents are the ones in charge of validating the required information before the tickets are escalated to repairs/replacements, make sure once the internal note states "Confirmed" the information matches.